Friday, April 13, 2007
Chat Chat
Friday, February 9, 2007
class topic 1
Saturday, February 3, 2007
I'm in Colorado
I just arrived yesterday my flight was from BWI to Denver at 2:25 p.m. The flight was about fore hours, I slept half of the time and I read a book for about one hour. But I don't remember what I did on the last hour I think I slept I don’t remember. Anyway I arrived about 4:25 p.m. (Denver time), my cousin came to pike me up, and then we went to Fort Collins where he is living. The place is really marvels every thing was covered by snow; some people say that snow make you depressed. I'm not sure about that but I think it's really beautiful. We arrived an hour later I met a lot of old my friends who came to say hi to me. We stayed at his apartment for couple of hours, then we went to Chile's restaurant after that we went to play bowling, we played two games by that it was 12 a.m. then we went back to his apartment. I was so tired I slept immediately. I didn’t wake up utile 9 a.m. we are planning to go to Denver today we decided that yesterday but every body is sleeping right know. I'm waiting for them to wake up or maybe I'll wake them up on my way ; ) .
Not. The time is -2 hours between Maryland and Colorado
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hi everybody
My name is Nasser, and you can just call me Nasser. I'm from Qatar, which is a small country located in the Middle East between Bahrain, The United Arab Emerits and Saudi Arabia. I have been in Maryland for one year, during that I have taken some English courses. I'm planning to study fire protection Engineering I think it's an interesting major because not a lot of people know about it. I hope that I get the chance to know all of you, and also that all of you will get the chance to know me as well.